Life is Traumatic, Healing is our Responsibility
Trauma is a complex and difficult experience that can impact us in many different ways. Whether it's the result of a major life event or a series of smaller incidents, the effects of trauma can be long-lasting and pervasive. For those who have experienced trauma, it's important to acknowledge and validate those experiences in order to work through them and find a path to healing.
The first step in working through trauma is acknowledging that it exists. Many people may try to push their trauma away or deny its impact, but this can only serve to prolong the healing process. By accepting that trauma is present and that it's affecting you, you can start to take steps to address it and move through it.
It's important to note that validation must come from within. Seeking validation from others can be helpful, but ultimately it's up to us to validate our own experiences and feelings. When we rely too heavily on external validation, we risk becoming stuck in a victim mentality that can prevent us from moving forward.
One way to work through trauma is to talk about it with someone you trust, such as a therapist or coach. However, it's important to be mindful of how you approach these conversations. Simply complaining or blaming others for your experiences can be counterproductive and prevent you from taking responsibility for your own healing. Instead, try to focus on taking ownership of your journey and validating your own experiences. You are not to blame for everything that has happened, however many times we ignore red flags in relationships and we do need to take responsibility for these actions; then remember in the future so we don't keep repeating that cycle.
Another key aspect of working through trauma is self-love. This means accepting both your strengths and weaknesses and working through the challenges that come your way. When you can't accept and validate your own journey, it becomes much more difficult to release the trauma and move forward.
Finally, it's important to remember that trauma is not something that can be healed overnight. It may take time and effort to work through, but by acknowledging its presence, validating your experiences, and taking ownership of your journey, you can find a path to healing and freedom. The journey may not be easy, but it's one that's worth taking in order to live your life to the fullest.