DISC is a behavioral assessment tool that measures an individual's Dominance, Influence,...
What matters more EQ or IQ?

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Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the foundation for all of our best decisions. While IQ, or cognitive intelligence, is important in the mental process of acquiring knowledge, our behaviors and communication styles play a significant role in our day-to-day decisions and interactions with others. The DISC acronym, which stands for dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance, highlights the different ways in which individuals prefer to communicate.
However, it's important to note that there are no right or wrong styles, and self-awareness is key in understanding how our style can affect our decisions and relationships with others. For example, individuals with a high D or dominance style may be quick to anger and have a tendency to be dictatorial when engaging with others. Meanwhile, those with a high S or steadiness style may withhold their feelings, leading to a buildup of emotions that can eventually explode.
Trauma is also an important factor to consider when making decisions and understanding ourselves. While experiences shape who we are, it's important to be aware of how trauma may have affected us and to work towards becoming the best version of ourselves. This can involve understanding who we were before the trauma, how the trauma changed us, and who we want to be moving forward. By using our experiences, including trauma, to help others, we can find purpose and grow as individuals.
Higher emotional intelligence has been linked to earning more money, and the ability to communicate effectively, both speaking and listening, is key in developing emotional intelligence. By understanding our communication style and working towards becoming better communicators, we can make better decisions and build stronger relationships with others.
In conclusion, while IQ is important in the mental process of acquiring knowledge, EQ is the foundation for all of our best decisions. Understanding our communication style, being aware of how trauma may have affected us, and working towards becoming the best version of ourselves are all crucial in making decisions and building strong relationships with others.