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Thoughts are Things

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Do you ever find yourself feeling drained or disempowered after talking to certain people? Do you catch yourself making negative jokes about yourself or not appreciating your own worth? If so, it’s time to take a step back and focus on self-love and positive self-talk.

We all have an inner voice that speaks to us throughout the day. This voice can either empower us or hold us back. It’s important to recognize when we’re speaking negatively to ourselves and shift that story. When we continually put ourselves down, we limit our potential and create a negative self-image.

One way to combat negative self-talk is through mirror work. This involves looking at yourself in the mirror and saying positive affirmations. It may feel awkward at first, but the more you practice, the easier it will become. Pay attention to the affirmations that make you laugh or feel uncomfortable. These are the ones you need to focus on the most.

It’s also important to be mindful of the people you surround yourself with. Don’t let others take up emotional space and talk to you in a way that is disempowering. If someone is constantly bringing you down, it may be time to distance yourself from that person.

Remember, there’s a difference between pushing yourself to meet a goal and trash-talking in your head. You are amazing and capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. Don’t let negative self-talk or the opinions of others hold you back.

When I first started learning about the power of positive thinking, it was through a book called “Thoughts are Things” by Mike Dooley. It helped me realize that the story we tell ourselves has a profound impact on our lives.

If you need help or resources on how to improve your self-talk and self-love, don’t hesitate to reach out. Remember, you are worthy and deserving of love and respect, starting with the love and respect you give yourself. Let’s start creating a positive story and empowering ourselves to achieve our dreams.

With love,



p.s. Schedule a call and lets discover ways to help you unleash your amazing